In this superficial world,
U may think thats all you get from what you see.
I am definitely not as SIMPLE as what you think,
Neither do I wish to live up to your expectations
So whatever you read,
And whether U like it or not,
It's none of my business to matter how hard u try to make me.;P
Monday, October 22, 2007

last but not the least...
this is a picture update..more readings?SCROLL DOWN PLS!
haha..time to see my grotesque wounds inflicted on me when i fell on sat after grading...
sorry,kianee..didnt mean to humiliate u but LOOK WAT U HAF DONE?! burns..they may look small and harmless but let me warn u..
ITs LETHAL!!it can be stepped on and hit on anytime by anyone which pains me even more..once again,thank u,my dear kianee.u owe me man!
not gg sch ltr..on an cough worsened todae and medicine makes me tremble so juz too bored.hehe
12:38 AM
12:24 AM

went on board a cruise for my uncle's bdae on 10-10-07..
it was great..theres even a chef there to cook and bbq for us.had a nice chat n a walk along the planks at nite wif my beloved sec2 cousin..strange isn it?how i can get along well wif younger kids.?my baby cousin and toddler adores me..LOL.alwaes wantin me to play wif them and carry them while they cry in my sisters' arms..wonder why?do i look like them?isit coz of my chumbby cheeks?i cant help it if im born tis way..
12:15 AM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
11:59 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
hey bloggie!!!!!;)
first thing first...
i wld like to thank:
CLICK 7--daniel,charmaine,weijie,kianee,joshy and jiahao(who gt the wrong date from kelvin and didnt come)
maenak gang-peishan,huifern,benben,kianee again!
other dearies--eneida,MY FAV(KIRAN AND PARVEEN)who planned wif ahem and pretended not to make it.
hope i dint miss out anyone
for attending my bdae bbq even though it started rainin heavily and we haf to make do wif the makeshift indoor bbq in eastcoast.i honestly did not expect the rain and not to mention the presents u ppl showered me..;)n the CAKE FACIAL from pork(wilson)zzzzzzzzzz
i thoroughly enjoyed myself and wished it cld last longer if not for the rain..;)
aniwae,i haf been coughing and sniffing after the bbq,LOL!even though i only ate a few satays and fishballs.stayed at hm on wed..ergh..went back to sch on thurs for chi intensive and pw.PW SUXZ!perreira tried to make my class stay till 6pm as punishment for nt coming out wif anything for OP rehearsal..:P
can be known as a blessing in disguise for me coz i had CWO that dae for latecoming..hah!went hm at 2.10pm:P..
aniwae,i felt bad..pleaded for my class to go the library instd of stayin in the hot and stuffy classroom..LOl.perreira was nice and dint catch my classmates who sneak home cheeky 0743B! for todae..i juz went for taekwondo grading..the medicine perscribed to me was so drowsy(2 out of 3 of it caused drowsiness)i forgt steps during my pantern..had to do it 3times b4 i perfected it.sian!kianee waited for me..thank u,buddy.eventhough u probably get screamed by ur dad for nt washing ur 20 over shoes..LOL.but he chased for bus88 while we were crossing the overhead bridge..and grasspatch wif some muddy crap.i leaped from the ledge..caught hold of the grd but my DAMN SLIPPER SNAPPED!and yes..i tripped and fell.had abrasions along my legs now.OUCH@_@
aniwae..yea,kianee owe me sth man..ouch.
EVEN though some complications occurred in my personal life after that bbq,i hope u kw that its almost resolved and put ur faith on me..i m sure that was juz a moment of impulse and it might be the wrong place and time to let everything go,i felt super relieved after feels like im haf came out from my mother's womb once again..awoken from my haunted past..startin a new life afresh.juz wanna sae tks for being there..;)
4:52 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
the family girl within me.>_<
lol.midcourse are almost over!!!!!!!i earnestly cant wait for tmr..
had 2 papers consecutively each dae frm 27,28 sep and 1st oct wif the one on children's dae the nerve-wrecking and painstakingly ones havin to do 4history essays in 3hrs and 2 lit essays in 2hrs respectively..OUCH!u can imagine the amt of stress and terror in me to eagerly get done wif these papers well enuff and secure a place in jc2..
juz recalled after the history paper,joy was passin down a paper wif (0843B)written on it..come on class!its rare for me to sae this but HAF A LITTLE FAITH!:)
decided to slack the whole dae wif kianee and joshy before we study for our next paper on yea,ytd was my rest dae aka my sabbath;)watched a few dvds and slept.woot!great rest
i started wif the family girl thingy coz i was juz wonderin wat overwhelms me tis morning which makes me go for a JOG for abt more than 2km alone and then walk all the way to amk ave 1 market to buy breakfast for the two slackers at hm..namely my dad and sis who r happily sleepin at home under the aircon when i burn myself under the scrotching sun to treat them the famous bee hoon for breakfast.and walkin all the way back which was abt 1 plus km..zzzz.
saw a wheelchair bound uncle at the market and thought of grandpa..sigh!amidst all the exams and stress..i came to a realisation that he has been hospitalised for a fall..wasnt tat serious but i truly misses him.will b visitin him tonite..wif his fav food.
wow.after i came home from the mkt,i read my bible and came across a very gd chapter frm philippians chap 3 talkin abt humility and putting everyone above seems like God wanted me to be more Christ-like by readin it.juz as i haf exemplify this morning.;)
then i did a 25mins prayer for frens out htere!u are rmbered and i love u..been prayin for u guys for ur exams..stand strong!!;)
gta do lit now..cya soon!:)
1:48 PM