In this superficial world,
U may think thats all you get from what you see.
I am definitely not as SIMPLE as what you think,
Neither do I wish to live up to your expectations
So whatever you read,
And whether U like it or not,
It's none of my business to matter how hard u try to make me.;P
Monday, January 19, 2009
hmm..kidda not used to the hecticness of life once again...stacey NEEDS A PART TIME JOB!i cant afford to lose my social life..wat will become of a social butterfly without a SOCIAL LIFE??
let me spell it....D-E-A-T-H!!!!
as i clearly stated in my previous post,those are indeed my priorities for tis yr and WORK is NOT GOING to rob me away from these objectives.
its God's will that prompts me to strengthen my walk with Him and i am going to do it.
pastor preached abt PRAYERS tis week and im truly inspired by something he said.
there are many devoted christians out there who attend cell groups,service and even serve in ministries and bible schools but seriously,how many out there truly kw wat they are doing??
serving God or SERving the PEople first?its amazing how we think we are doing so many things for our heavenly DAddy and yet,losing our first touch of love..that intimate interpersonal relationship we share with Him.and the fact that our prayers(the form of communication) with the Almighty is lacking in specifics and content that its impossible to fulfill...
-GOD, i wanna strengthen my walk with me the way out and i pray that i'll be able to find a suitable part-time job that will allow me to help with my daily expenses and at the same time,grow in FAITH as i learn more about U each day.:)
ok...but to my non-christian frens and the secular issues in life..
yes...ive been grounded these few days or rather(self ground myself sometimes) coz of my late nights meeting with people after work(after 9)hees.mum has been calling up at 9plus to check my whereabouts...and ive to come home before 12.
maybe i deserve it.she and daddybear have been really sweet to me by preparing brunch before i go to work for me and coz of my social butterfly status,i'll come back home after they have fallen asleep...BAD GIRL.:(
as im feeling guilty rite now,im trying my best to promise myself tt i must be home by 12 at the very least...juz like how i rushed home after watching YESMAN with krystal and the upcoming movie xxxxxx with cough cough...(my dirty little secret!shh)
i guess theres always a flip side of things when one has to achieve soo many objectives this year that we tend to neglect our loved ones(or rather,our recent loved one).its not easy to please everyone and impossible to even do that..
so i guess..we just gta accept it and comprehend the situation our loved ones are gg through..and as time passes, and what the old saying goes,absence makes the heart grew fonder..we can begin to treasure each other company more everytime.
im excited for that day and cant wait.:P:)hope u'll feel the same way.
12:51 AM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
i woke up at 8.30am tis mornin..cldnt really get back to slp after tt.
was rolling ard and pondering abt life by itself.didnt want to emo off either so i played candyman on my hp to keep me grooving.
2008 has indeed been a horrible year for me.bad memories which i do not wish to talk abt and i am amazed by how things cld actually turn for the better tis time...and even so more complicated...if i must sae.
also this jan,i realised how small this world is..
and how im inevitably closely linked to people i do not wish or at least,do not want to be related with.then again,i learnt many things tis mth and just happy and relieved to find some on my side all along.:)
despite the fact tt im working 6 days a wk tis mth and tryin my best to get on with life by meeting people after work and leaving the company on the 30th,it is pretty exhausting.
watever it is,i am clear of my priorities rite now..
-i need to grow spiritually and commit to church.(fellowship with my dearies too!)
-family(to spend more time with ah gong and my beloved grandparents)
-DENVERS cheerleading
-meet up with frens and plain chilling out and catching up..of course money is needed so yea..
-part time job.(emitasia or camp facilitators?)
"hey lawrence,have a safe trip back to the US!thanks for the dinner dates.nice knowing u better in real life instd of juz ur poshe!"
we went out on last friday nite and tis thursday.(2days ago)
cheer practice gt cancelled ytd due to some low attendance.zzz.took the morning shift juz for cheer.but oh wells,brandon asked me out and we went to,of all places,chinatown?lols.went to this desert stall before we had dim sum for dinner.we walked thru pagoda street to see the lights and all..omg,so crowded.sian,met one the receptionist from emitasia..zzz.sure kana suan..i wanted to cancel out on meeting dict coz brandon and i wanted to catch a movie but due to brandon's retardedness of thinking movies can be found at 7plus8,we forgo that idea.walked chinatown instead..
frens!!can u guys dun be so last minute??do u kw right after brandon's call,winston called and ask if we wanted to meet up.i feel bad when i haf to cancel out on ppl u kw.lols.aniwae,im thinking twice abt gg out with brandon again.hes the worst of both worlds(ask me wat i mean if ur close to me)he was gna meet another gal after me to go home tgt.felt like such a stand in.watever!
shall EMBRACE SINGLEHOOD and meet dict too.
lols..we went home tgt.
me:how do u even study here?its so noisy.
him:well,i was gonna meet u at j8 rite?so i decided to wait for u until u come la.
that was 11pm.
him:so..there was a cheer gathering even if there wasnt practice just now?
me:erm...not really but yea.brandon and i met up..were planning to catch a show but it was too late.
but nothing is going on..
i can feel that mutual need to drift away somehow.he looks a little more sad when i saw him.. and the worse is,im okay with it.
12:46 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009
instead of starting on a new note with some lame reflections that a typical blog post will have..
i would like to enlighten thee with a BAM!
ok not really in the beginning.met e222 at vivo to buy supplies for sentosa outing..had to leave by 12 to go to work when i realise i forgot to bring my uniform.zz.the white polo tee is in the wash.guess wat?i brought everything except tt.
hmm..the job doesnt like me huh?watever la.
though its only been a week,its really physically and mentally taxing.there is hardly any proper allocated break for meals so much so tt i cldnt even join my darling cell group for a lunch or dinner break..was soooo bloody disappointed la.
im losing my social life soon..miss hanging out and juz chilling..i mean,6 days week..either 10-7pm or 12-9pm..under the turning black,not tan.i used to be okay with that but i guess,im becoming more feminine so black skin is not my thing now.
oh wells..i mus admit its fun and all,the people are great...but yea..God,frens,family and cheerleading matters too.
oh well..enuff of the sad stuff..
after all,that was 31st december 2008~_~
aniwae,andrew,zelene,zai and liankai(work pals!)and i went tgt to the siloso beach PARTY and due to the crowd and all,after meeting eneida,shan,weiqing(shan's bf) and wanqi,we lost them for the countdown...irritating.
we were walking and walking still abt 11.30..rushed in for the countdown after we made a deal with the security guard to take care of our stuff.thank U.omg..once we stepped in,WOW.eneida met her fren and our intially three gals nite out became an expanded clique of gals plus 7 to 8 NUM
after the countdown,we went to the FOAM PARTY..WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~finally found the rest of them..:):)
but after awhile,we gt separated again..coz eneida and the rest wanted to drink but zelene cant so we planned to meet at 1.20am at the toilet..guess we were late when we gt back coz my work pals left..i missed the last train out of sentosa.shit.
but wat the was still awesome! of the photos show a pile up..yea..the boys decided to tau pork.crazy.
crashed the chalet for awhile,sms for urgent leave.took a bath at the toilet and back to reality once again!that was 8plus alrdy.. aches and weariness everywhere and i guess a slight fever in the early home with my darlings.
stacey concludes that these NUM boys are gay and CRAZY..haha.but yea,thanks for the laughs.

6:49 PM