In this superficial world,
U may think thats all you get from what you see.
I am definitely not as SIMPLE as what you think,
Neither do I wish to live up to your expectations
So whatever you read,
And whether U like it or not,
It's none of my business to matter how hard u try to make me.;P
Monday, March 29, 2010
As the light burns out,
Darkness descends.
In the midst of the darkness,however
One could feel relaxed and pampered, smoldered by the high life of alcohol and music.
The world begin spinning all around you,
Everything seems to be under your control.
You were the power of the night.
But as time began to fly,things start to change.
Love got into the way,
Playing hero wins the day.
For better or for worse,it is your fate to decide.
To continue with this hyped yet superficial life
Or strive for success...through the narrow tedious way.
stacey scribbles.....
just something i feel for.
and i just pray i havent lost my touch with literature.:)
10:21 PM
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
talk about two whole weeks the other time...i guessed i was virtually Missing in Action for the past three months.heh..oops.
ive to admit i am after all not the very virtual person..i love to talk,rant irritate and even annoy some of u guys in person.hees. thats just me.:)
i still recall Christmas night,the mahanas crashed benedict's place and everyone except kenyon,xiaoyu and pork got sooo wasted. shihui made history tt day though,puked for three hrs straight in the toilet.LOL.
(i'm sorry girl,but u were seriously adorable tt day)hahaha
Since then,it has been a very meaningful three mths...Everything that went by happened soo fast that i cant even catch my breATH.:)
there is the new cell group in Church,CNY and my family's traditions to celebrate all SIM frens came over though. my hse feels like a disneyland to the girls when they were amused by the number of stuffed,shaun and dawn cant stop gambling.LOL. dawn was soo high,she was laughing to herself.soo cute!
school,tests,mkting project,mahana outing,nite cycling wif the guys,house party,clubbing-girls' nite out(wif different cliques)..
met some new of whom is VERY close to my heart.;)
i shall let the pictures do the talking.:P

7:46 PM